YOU: Why do I feel so terrible?
BODY: Coffee is not a meal.
YOU: No, really, I feel tired and bloated all the time….why?
BODY: Eat a vegetable
BODY: Or get some sleep
YOU: Guess I’ll never know
BODY: Oh my word……
Does this sound conversation sound familiar? If you’re like most women, you’ve asked yourself these questions, and many others: Why do I feel so bloated? Why won’t the weight come off? Why do I have acne…..again? Why are my moods all over the place? Why can’t I manage to cook a decent meal for my family?
But rather than listen to your body’s answers, you try another diet plan, research another juice cleanse, or just keep on eating, drinking and and not-sleeping the way you always have and wonder why things don’t improve….or worse, believe that it can’t improve no matter what you do.
It’s time to get real…..about why you’re eating and what you’re eating……and listen to what your body is trying to tell you.
My new program, GetReal, is a 4-week plan based on real, whole, nutrient-dense food that will jumpstart your health and help you finally figure out what your body is trying to tell you.
In four weeks you will learn:
- Why and How to eat—-how to discern true hunger from cravings, eating to fuel your body, not because your emotions are getting the best of you
- What to eat—-how to compose a balanced meal using a simple portion control guide, as well as how to plan for and prepare meals based on whole, real, nutrient-dense foods
- What to avoid—-this is the fun part, discovering which foods are serving you well, and which foods aren’t, by eliminating them for a short time and noticing how you look and feel without them
At the end of four weeks you will be well on your way to mastering mindful eating, know what foods make you look and feel great, be a pro at fitting these foods into your life in a practical way, and yes, you might even lose a few pounds.
This is not a weight loss plan, detox, super-strict all-or-nothing elimination protocol or diet, nor is this a supplement/meal replacement based program. This is a habit-based coaching program that will teach you how to add more real food to your daily life and build life-long habits for health and wellness.
Yes, you will have some work to do and some of it will be challenging, but I will help you every step of the way. And I promise….if you put in the time and effort, you will see results! Believe me, it’s worth it to do the work to understand your body, to learn what it truly needs and craves in order to be the best you.
Your Get•Real program will include:
- Weekly emails outlining each new habit, why the habit is important, and how to fit it into your daily routine
- Recipes, grocery lists, shopping tips, and ways to save time and money when adding more real, whole, nutrient-dense foods to your meals
- Ideas for on-the-go real-food options for your busy schedule
- Interactive discussion and accountability with other GetReal participants via a private Facebook group
- Individualized recommendations based on your specific needs
- Unlimited email support
Is Get•Real for you?
GetReal is for any woman looking for change, wanting to find peace with her body, desiring a healthy relationship with food, and looking to challenge herself to find what truly works for her unique personality and lifestyle.
If you are ready, willing, and able to make some changes, then Get•Real will help you do it.
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