
Menu Monday: 7/15/13

Menu Monday: 7/15/13

My two youngest kids are in a summer day-camp this week, and though I have car-pool help, my afternoons and evenings are going to be a bit challenging.  So as I made my menu plan for the week I searched for either quick and easy…

Change of Plan

Change of Plan

See that menu up there? That was the plan for this week, and boy was I excited about it.  A new recipe along with a few old favorites that all my kiddos enjoy.  Yum. Unfortunately, my youngest has come down with a nasty stomach bug,…

Menu Monday: 1/21/12

It’s (finally!!!!) a beautiful day here in North Texas and I have a few windows open in an attempt to air out my germ-infested home……would you believe I still have sick kiddos?  Just as I get one back to good health, another one goes down.…

Menu Monday: 1/14/13

I’ve talked a bit about why I meal plan before, and soon I’ll talk about how I meal plan. But today let me just say that meal planning has saved my life the past week or so, and looks like it’ll be my hero this…

Menu Monday: 1/7/2013

Happy New Year! It wouldn’t be January without a nutrition challenge at CrossFit DFW, so I am in full planning mode, ready to clean things up after a December filled with a few too many treats. ***Note:  because I’m participating in a Paleo challenge, all…

Menu Monday: 11/12/12

Oh my, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it?  I’ve been planning my weekly meals, just haven’t gotten around to posting them. The weather here looks to be more fall-ish in the coming days so I’ve got stew and a few soups in the plan.…

Menu Monday: 9/24/12

Last week got away from me.  I had a plan, posted it on my fridge, then stuff happened…..good stuff, but stuff that messed with my plan.  So the plan was ditched and we kind-of rolled with the punches. This week I’m planning to stick with…

Menu Planning: Why and How

First off, let’s tackle the why part of menu planning: First of all, eating a home-cooked, nutritious meal with my family most nights is a priority for our family. When we started our family, my husband and I decided that for us, eating at home,…

Menu Monday: 9/10/12

We missed a few dinners last week so there’s at least one repeat for this week.  My youngest starts school Tuesday so I’ll finally have all four kids in school, at least for two days each week.  I’m looking forward to settling into our school…

Menu Monday: 9/3/12

Here’s the plan for this week: Monday:  Garden Meatballs, Spaghetti Sauce and Roasted Spaghetti Squash Tuesday:  Balsamic Pork Chops and Cauliflower Rice, Steamed Broccoli Wednesday:  Bacon-wrapped Chicken Thighs, Steamed Brussels Sprouts Thursday:  Crazytown** Friday:  Leftovers and Big Salad **Thursday is Crazytown because I am supposed…