Menu Monday: 8/27/12

It’s the first day of school for my three oldest kids…..yay!  While I really enjoyed having my kids home this summer, and it really did fly by for all of us, I think we are all ready for a new routine.

Meal planning is even more important for me during the school year.  Just because three of my four kids are in school all day does not mean I have more free time on my hands to grocery shop and cook.  My youngest will require more of my attention during the day without her three favorite playmates, fall sports and church activities are starting up, and the homework will start piling up as well.  I need to have meals planned ahead and do some prep-work during the day when I can to ensure that my evenings are as stress-free as possible.

We have two new recipes this week and a few favorites:

Monday:  Eggplant and Sausage Stackers

Tuesday:  Cumin-spiced Pork Tenderloin (from Practical Paleo)

Wednesday:  Southwest Meatloaf (this was a hit a few weeks ago, with a few alterations)

Thursday:  Chicken Tacos

Friday:  Big Salad and Left-overs

What’s for dinner at your house?  Any back-to-school traditions?


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