Roasted Root Vegetables

If you know me well enough to know my kitchen habits, then you know that I never, ever, ever make a recipe exactly as it’s written.  Really, never.  If I share a recipe with you I’ll send the original recipe, along with all the things I do differently, to make it mine so to speak.

However, for this recipe, I have made no changes.  Because it is truly perfection.  So yummy, so sweet, so good, so easy to mix in new vegetables and no one at your table will ever know they just ate, say, a roasted radish.  The yummy goodness just all blends right in.

The Pioneer Woman certainly knows what she’s doing on this recipe:

Roasted Root Vegetable “Candy”

The reason I’ve made no changes is because Ree was kind enough to add the key phrase in the ingredient list:  “other root vegetables.”

And that is where I make it mine…..sweet potatoes, turnips, radishes…..the possibilities are endless.  And I’ve never included the celery root, though I may have to try it sometime.

I usually make a HUGE batch…..if I’m going to take the time to peel and dice all those vegetables, I want enough on hand to not only feed my family at dinner, but also to have leftovers for myself the next few days.  I’m weird and enjoy the leftovers cold, straight from the fridge, but you probably will want to heat them up a bit.


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