For the next month I am committing to a Whole30, along with a group of people at my gym. Though I normally eat a pretty Paleo-ish diet, this next 30 days will be a more strict protocol, with the goal of eliminating some pretty strong sugar cravings, relieving some digestive issues, and getting a handle on my energy levels. I first did a Whole30 about 18 months ago and know that the results are certainly worth the extra effort in meal planning, grocery shopping and cooking.
Some of the recipes I plan may have some non-Whole30 ingredients. I will be making substitutions or omitting those ingredients. For example, on Monday my husband will grill hamburgers…..mine will be wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun. Same for the tacos on Tuesday.
So here’s my plan for Week 1:
Monday: Burgers, roasted butternut squash, salad
Tuesday: Chicken Tacos, Spanish cauliflower rice
Wednesday: Darn Good Chili, roasted sweet potatoes, salad
Thursday: Sautéed Chicken, sautéed greens, roasted broccoli
Friday: Cumin Pork Tenderloin and sweet potatoes, salad
Saturday: Steak Tacos, salad
Sunday: Leftovers or breakfast for dinner
Today I am making this dish to have for breakfast most days. Other days I’ll scramble some eggs with greens and onions.
I will roast a chicken in my slow cooker on Monday and have the pulled chicken on-hand to add to salads at lunch, or I’ll eat leftovers from previous dinners.
I’ll make this dressing (minus the sugar/honey) for salads, one batch with the red wine vinegar, one batch with balsamic vinegar.
For snacks I have hard-boiled eggs, nuts, fruit and almond butter, as well as some raw veggies (like carrots) cut up and ready to eat.
I will also be drinking lots and lots of water. During my last Whole30 I found this to be very helpful.