I had a busy Sunday and didn’t get around to my usual menu planning and grocery shopping routine. So this morning, during our morning circus routine, not one, not two, but three of my kids asked what was for dinner. They had checked the fridge where it is usually posted, but saw last week’s menu still there.
What was my answer??? “Ummm, I have no idea.”
And that put me in a panic. Because I like to have at least an idea, and not be staring into my pantry at 5pm wondering what on earth I can have ready in the next hour.
So I quickly looked at a sample menu I’d made last week for a nutrition class at my gym, and selected a recipe for which I had all the ingredients. Whew….crisis averted.
However, I then had to sit down and finish out the menu for the whole week lest I face the same panic tomorrow morning.
Moral of the story? Stick to my routine and plan my menu on Sunday…..the kids and my sanity depend on it.
Monday: Damn Good Chili (my own version to be posted soon), Collard Greens (the greens are new for us….wish me luck!)
Tuesday: Teriyaki Beef Stir Fry and Cauliflower Rice
Wednesday: Breakfast Burritos
Thursday: Chicken (slow cooker), Roasted Veggies
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Grill????
Sunday: Kids Cook
My husband is in charge of dinner both Wednesday (I’ll be at the Texas State Fair sampling all kinds of fried goodness) and Friday (I’ll be volunteering at a church youth group event), and I have to say, he makes amazingly good meals for our kids. When we gave up processed and packaged convenience foods (for example: chicken nuggets and box mac-n-cheese) a few years ago, he upped his game and can now make a great meal for our kids from the fresh ingredients we have in our kitchen. The kids even ask for a few of his creations-namely breakfast burritos and chicken fajitas. On Sunday he and my son will be making dinner for the family and I believe chicken fajitas are on the menu.
Nothing better than a man that can cook, am I right?