I just realized that my kids start school in four weeks…..yes, there are just four more weeks of summer vacation. Seems impossible that school supplies are filling the aisles at Target already, when I feel like we are just now settling into our summer groove. Sigh……I’m not quite ready for the craziness of back to school, so I’ll just forget what the calendar says.
This week is a bit more hectic than usual around the farm, and I’m gearing up for a nutrition challenge at the gym, so I did a bit of extra planning and preparation over the weekend (you can read more about it here if you like). But here’s a quick run-down of the week’s menu:
Monday: Spaghetti, tomato sauce, meatballs, carrots
Tuesday: Bacon-wrapped Chicken, roasted cauliflower
Wednesday: Balsamic Pork Chops, roasted brussels sprouts
Thursday: out with friends
Friday: Burgers, roasted potatoes, salad
Take some time to enjoy this last month of summer……it’ll be over before we know it!