I cannot believe that tomorrow is October….really?!?! The first grading period at school is over, report cards are coming home or being posted online, and the weather has finally started to cool off around here. Yay!
And while I’m liking my new dry erase boards on my fridge (mentioned in last week’s menu post) for posting my menu and other miscellaneous reminders, I’m not loving how they photograph, so no pic of the menu this week.
Monday: Sautéed Chicken and greens (probably spinach)
Tuesday: Pot Roast (a version of the recipe in this book) and mashed potatoes
Wednesday: Chili Verde and cauliflower rice
Thursday: Mexican Rice Bowls and a salad
Friday: Spaghetti (squash and pasta), Garden Meatballs (omit red peppers) and homemade sauce
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Kids Cook
My second daughter is cooking on Sunday night and since she loves all things potato, she is planning a potato extravaganza. She will be making mashed potatoes and baked potatoes, maybe some potato wedges, as well as chicken fajitas….a girl has to get her protein in somehow!
What’s for dinner at your house?